✓ A fluent communication- and planning portal connecting employers, insurance companies, and pension institutes with their employees.
✓ A multi-directional communication platform on behalf of employees enables them to keep track of the direction of their retirement and enables them to plan and inform the relevant actors of all relevant changes occurring in their daily lives.
✓ Open an account (by employer or pension institute)
✓ Gather your expense and income data in 5 minutes (Tax declaration, UPA Salary admin, UPA Employer, MijnPensioenoverzicht, UPA Investment management, NIBUD, CBS)
✓ Enrich your data (tune it to the actual situation and the future)
✓ Pension planner
✓ Create goals and retirement scenarios
✓ Look and analyze your monthly balance between income and expenses in detail, per month, today until the end of time
✓ Connect to advisors share your data and plan an advisory session with an advisor